JR East Mito Branch Office announced that the train operation will resume by the end of March 2021 between Fukuroda Station (袋田, Ibaraki) and Hitachi-Daigo Station (常陸大子, Ibaraki) on the Suigun Line (水郡線), which has been disrupted due to the Typhoon No. 19 in October 2019.

Due to the damage from the typhoon, the bridge between Fukuroda Station and Hitachi-Daigo Station was washed away, and the operation was suspended between Saigane Station (西金, Ibaraki) and Hitachi-Daigo Station. The train operation has been resumed between Saigane Station and Fukuroda Station on Saturday, July 4, 2020, and the substitute bus is in operation between Kami-Ogawa Station (上小川, Ibaraki) and Hitachi-Daigo Station.

Currently, preparation work is being carried out for the reconstruction of the bridge, and they said that the bridge girder will be erected from December. Since the construction is progressing more smoothly than planned, it is expected that the restoration will be completed by the end of March 2021 by moving ahead of the previous target (around the summer of 2021).