JR East will operate the extra train “SL Gumma” towed by a steam locomotive (SL) on the Joetsu Line and Shin-etsu Line during Golden Week (early-May holiday season in Japan) 2022.

At the first press release about the extra trains, the use of diesel locomotive (DL) and electric locomotive (EL) was planned. However, they decided to change the towing locomotive for those trains to SL “Class C61 No.20” and add the operating date. The “SL Gunma Minakami” on the Joetsu Line (Takasaki – Minakami) runs on April 29 (Fri / holiday), May 4 (Wed / holiday) and 7 (Sat), 2022. Another “SL Gunma Yokokawa” on the Shin-etsu Line (Takasaki – Yokokawa) runs on April 30 (Sat), May 3 (Tue / holiday), 5 (Thu / holiday) and 8 (Sun) (See the below for operating dates and timetables).
In addition, the passenger car will be used the “classic coaches or “12 series coaches” depending on the date. Reserved-seat tickets will be sold at the online reservation service “Ekinet” or major stations from one month before the riding date.
In addition, the passenger car will be used the “classic coaches or “12 series coaches” depending on the date. Reserved-seat tickets will be sold at the online service “JR-EAST Train Reservation” or major stations from one month before the traveling date.

From this term, rollsigns created by local designers based on Gumma Prefecture will be posted on the front of the locomotive. The sign of “SL Gumma Minakami” is designed by Kita Kaoru from Numata City, and “SL Gumma Yokokawa” is designed by Takano Ryosuke from Annaka City.
By the way, there is no change in the towing locomotive from the original for “DL / EL Yokogawa Night Park” operated on April 2 (Sat), 2022 and “EL YOGISHA Minakami” on June 18 (Sat).